• Welcome to Dindigul Varahi Charitable Trust
You have any question? +91 7094356698
  • charitabletrustdindigulvarahi@gmail.com
  • +91 7094356698



To Provide and Assits in the Resettlment and Rehabilitation of Poor in Rural and Tribal areas.

  • To promote adoption of new innovations in Agriculture, health, family planning, sanitation etc, among rural poor and farmers.
  • To take steps for prevention of STD/HIV/AIDS and care support programmed.
  • To prevent and promote awareness on chronic and acute disease like T.B leprosy etc.
  • To organize discussion groups for the study and understanding of social, economic, education, philosophical and Intellectual problems in an academic and non-partison spirit and to publish the results of such discussion in the form of books pamphlets or journals.
  • To organize relief in form of emergency and on occasions of general social distress such as floods, famines, epidemics, cyclone, fire and other disastrous which are hurdles for development.
  • To provide legal aid to the people in the unorganized sectors and provide matrimonial services to the poor people.
  • To organize legal aid for the rural and urban weaker sections of the people.
  • To enable people to prevent pollution at air, water and prevent soil erosion by planting trees reduce the depletion rate.
  • To promote Eco farming method develop herbal farms and model farms that do not deplete the fertility of the soil and provide education and employment through them.
  • To take up programmers that make use of non-conventional forms of energy such as solar, Bio-gas, wind mill etc.
  • To initiate allied agricultural activities such as sericulture, Horticulture, Mushroom culture, Dairy farm, goat and sheep rearing poultry, piggery farm etc. to enhance the supplementary income of the rural and tribal people.
  • To offer fellowship, scholarship and prizes in fulfillment at the objects of the trust.
  • To establish medical centers such as clinics, hospitals, counseling centers wherever necessary and at the research of the poor people both rural and tribal.
  • To organize people in co-operative and other joint venture for promoting self reliance among members of rural and tribal people.
  • To receive the gift and lands, money education equipment office furniture and other useful articles.
  • To organize seminar symposia, conference convention and other such meeting and activities related to communication and development.